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  • : amanda.payne
  • : The blog of Amanda Payne
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June 6 2011 1 06 /06 /June /2011 07:16

Not everyone wants to fly to Spain. With the prohibitive cost of car hire, a good alternative is to take your car with you and catch a car ferry across. That way, you can also enjoy the ever changing and beautiful scenery of Spain as you travel to your destination.

The pros


Companies such as Brittany Ferries offer a variety of cheap ferry crossings from the UK to Spain.

For example you can travel from Portsmouth to Bilbao or Santander or from Plymouth to Santander.

The crossings take one or two days, so you can enjoy a mini-cruise at the start of your holiday.

You can sit back, relax and let the boat do all the hard work for you, so that you arrive fresh in Spain, ready for your onward journey.

Other advantages

The joy of bringing your own car is that you can bring as much luggage as you can, plus the family pet can come too.

This is ideal if you are planning on moving to Spain.

There are many ferry deals available at the moment and it is worth shopping around to see what is available for the time you are wishing to travel.

The cons


There are very few companies that offer direct ferries to Spain and if you are in Ireland for example, you will have to cross over to England then travel to Portsmouth or Plymouth.

Other companies offer routes across to France which means a longer drive down through France then across into Spain.

It really depends on where your final destination is situated.

One of the things you have to take into account is the cost of accommodation, petrol and the cost of motorway tolls, especially if you are coming down through France.

Another thing to be aware of is the small possibility of being robbed if you decide to travel at night.

Final word

However, the benefit of having your own car available, as and when you need it, outweighs the risks.

This therefore makes a ferry crossing from the UK to Spain a good way to travel to your final destination, whilst enjoying some very beautiful parts of Spain on your way.

Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea - Late Night Indigo - Shoes on WireFerry
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